Thursday, September 4, 2008

What causes the reef to die

Hi people, here are some reasons why the reef could die.

Causes of Coral Reef Degradation

From the International Coral Reef Initiative Report to the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development

Man-made Stresses

Natural Stresses

-pressure from population increase (including migration and intensified uses) -Crown of Thorns (Starfish) predator outbreaks
-depletion of fish stocks -tropical storm damage
-destructive fishing methods, such as dynamite blasting and poisons (cyanide) -warmer ocean temperature fluctuations resulting in coral bleaching
-excessive non-point source pollution, e.g. from agricultural runoff and contamination of aquifers -earthquakes
-ship-based pollution; including oil, plastics and bilge water -wave action
-mangrove harvesting or displacement for aqua culture products -flooding
-increased sedimentation as a result of deforestation and poor land use -flooding and surface water run-off
-coral and coral sand mining -Natural Diseases
-unplanned tourism-including inadequate wasted water treatment, unregulated construction, collection of corals and ornamental reef species, spear fishing, etc.

Black-Band Disease
Black-Band Disease

Identified Hard Coral Diseases (The Coral Disease Page) offline

-land based and urban construction activities including dredging, filling, and increased siltation

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